Pixel Pedals of Tomakomai




4.7 は sympy を使う。理論的に解けるのはわかってるけども、手計算じゃもはや無理。

7番目の問題にやたら時間がかかったんだけど、辛かったのはどの辺だろ。セオリー的にはt = tan(x/2)と置いて置換積分して有理式に持ち込むんだろうけど、sympyの実装がどうなってるかは見てない。

import sympy as sym
from sympy.abc import x

print sym.integrate(x**2 / sym.sqrt(4 - x**2), x)
print sym.integrate(x**2 / sym.sqrt(x**2 + 4), x)
print sym.integrate(1 / (x**2 + 4)**5, x)
print sym.integrate(1 / (x**2 + 2 * x * 10)**4, x)
print sym.integrate(1 / sym.sin(x)**5, x)
print sym.integrate(sym.log(x)**4, x)
print sym.integrate(sym.sin(x) / (sym.cos(x)**2 + sym.sin(x) + 1), x)
print sym.integrate(x * sym.sqrt((x - 1) * (x + 2)), x)
print sym.integrate(1 / (sym.exp(x) + sym.exp(-x) + 1), x)
print sym.integrate(sym.exp(x) * sym.sin(2 * x), x)
print sym.integrate(x**2 * sym.exp(x) * sym.cos(x), x)
print sym.integrate(x**2 * sym.sin(sym.sqrt(x)), x)
-x*(-x**2 + 4)**(1/2)/2 + 2*asin(x/2)
x*(x**2 + 4)**(1/2)/2 - 2*asinh(x/2)
(105*x**7 + 1540*x**5 + 8176*x**3 + 17856*x)/(98304*x**8 + 1572864*x**6 + 9437184*x**4 + 25165824*x**2 + 25165824) + 35*atan(x/2)/65536
-log(x)/64000000 + log(x + 20)/64000000 - (3*x**5 + 150*x**4 + 2200*x**3 + 6000*x**2 - 24000*x + 160000)/(9600000*x**6 + 576000000*x**5 + 11520000000*x**4 + 76800000000*x**3)
(3*cos(x)**3 - 5*cos(x))/(8*cos(x)**4 - 16*cos(x)**2 + 8) + 3*log(cos(x) - 1)/16 - 3*log(cos(x) + 1)/16
x*log(x)**4 - 4*x*log(x)**3 + 12*x*log(x)**2 - 24*x*log(x) + 24*x
-2*3**(1/2)*I*log(tan(x/2) - 1/2 - 3**(1/2)*I/2)*tan(x/2)/(9*tan(x/2) + 9) - 2*3**(1/2)*I*log(tan(x/2) - 1/2 - 3**(1/2)*I/2)/(9*tan(x/2) + 9) + 2*3**(1/2)*I*log(tan(x/2) - 1/2 + 3**(1/2)*I/2)*tan(x/2)/(9*tan(x/2) + 9) + 2*3**(1/2)*I*log(tan(x/2) - 1/2 + 3**(1/2)*I/2)/(9*tan(x/2) + 9) + 6/(9*tan(x/2) + 9)
Integral(x*((x - 1)*(x + 2))**(1/2), x)
3**(1/2)*I*log(1/2 - 3**(1/2)*I/2 + exp(-x))/3 - 3**(1/2)*I*log(1/2 + 3**(1/2)*I/2 + exp(-x))/3
exp(x)*sin(2*x)/5 - 2*exp(x)*cos(2*x)/5
x**2*exp(x)*sin(x)/2 + x**2*exp(x)*cos(x)/2 - x*exp(x)*sin(x) + exp(x)*sin(x)/2 - exp(x)*cos(x)/2
-2*x**(5/2)*cos(x**(1/2)) + 40*x**(3/2)*cos(x**(1/2)) - 240*x**(1/2)*cos(x**(1/2)) + 10*x**2*sin(x**(1/2)) - 120*x*sin(x**(1/2)) + 240*sin(x**(1/2))


import scipy as sp
import scipy.integrate
import math

def f1(x):
    return math.sin(8. * x) / math.sin(x)
print sp.integrate.quad(f1, 0, math.pi / 2.)

def f2(x):
    return (math.exp(2 * x) - 1) / (math.exp(x) + 1)
print sp.integrate.quad(f2, 1., 2.)

def f3(x):
    return math.sin(x) ** 2 / x ** 2
print sp.integrate.quad(f3, 0., sp.inf, limit=1000)

def f4(x, a):
    return math.exp(-x) * math.sin(a * x)
print sp.integrate.quad(f4, 0., sp.inf, args=(1.))
print sp.integrate.quad(f4, 0., sp.inf, args=(2.))
(1.4476190476190476, 2.3723635847410075e-11)
(3.6707742704716053, 4.075378113279188e-14)
/Users/tarara/work/py-virtualenvs/numpy-test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/integrate/quadpack.py:288: UserWarning: The maximum number of subdivisions (1000) has been achieved.
  If increasing the limit yields no improvement it is advised to analyze 
  the integrand in order to determine the difficulties.  If the position of a 
  local difficulty can be determined (singularity, discontinuity) one will 
  probably gain from splitting up the interval and calling the integrator 
  on the subranges.  Perhaps a special-purpose integrator should be used.
(1.5707758031670074, 1.0326045566833031e-05)
(0.5000000000000002, 1.4875911973447031e-08)
(0.39999999999999836, 1.4432856577266494e-08)